If you need an air conditioner repair person in Dallas, I thought I would share our experience.
Recently, our neighbors had to have their air conditioner fixed. Having moved to Dallas not that long ago, they told me they did not know who to call. So they called a large national chain to come and look at their air conditioner. We also had to have our air conditioner fixed. From our neighbors description, our problems seemed similar. They wound up having a large and very expensive repair. We had a smaller repair (@$300). I am not sure if the problems were the same or not, but we have someone we trust. Had she asked me, I could have given her the name of an excellent air conditioner repair person: Oliver of We Fix It (972-227-2433) Google Listing Here.
Oliver has been servicing our air conditioning units through 2 homes. Oliver is not on Twitter or Facebook. He doesn’t blog or even have a web site. He does business the old fashioned way. You have to call and scheduled an appointment. But for us, he is reliable and trustworthy and has saved us a lot of money over the past few years.
Here is our experience in case you are not sure who to call. Below is a picture of Oliver and his son (who is learning the business).